Our Recommendations
The three recommendations in this report focus on driving business to the Fishers Test Kitchen through social media marketing. The team examined how to reach the target audience, post content, planning ahead and loyalty programs, and events that would draw customers into the building. All recommendations are based on extensive research and a local study.
Recommendation One: Using Social Media As A Marketing Tool, Best Practices and How to Target a Younger Audience
Using Social Media to Attract a New, Younger Audience
Use the Power of Social Media to Market to Gen Zers
Recommendation Two: Make a Plan to Use Multi-Channel Marketing to Grow your Restaurant’s Business
Social Media Content Creation: Make a Plan for the Best Results
The Benefits of Blending Social Media Marketing and Traditional Marketing for Restaurants
Restaurant Social Media Success Plan: Keep It Fresh and Plan Ahead
Value of Planning and Creativity in Food Content Marketing
Using Social Media to Showcase Your Food Photography to Interest an Audience
Recommendation Three: Get Them Through the Door, How Interaction on Social Media Leads to Interaction in Person
Social Media and Retail- The Money is in the Numbers
Fast-Food-Gone-Gourmet is Using Social Media in a New Way
Opportunities for Restaurants to Target Demographics that are Active on Social Media to Increase Business on Weeknights